Awarded with the Brazilian price “Prêmio Funarte de Teatro Myriam Muniz 2014 – Categoria Montagem”, the project “Forest under the Sea” (Floresta debaixo do Mar), was born with the meeting of the Greek actress based in Berlin, Christina Kyriazidi and the Brazilian actor and theatre researcher Leonel Henckes in 2013 in Berlin.
Together, within the activities of the theatre group “Marinaio Teatro” (http://www.marinaioteatro.com), they created the performance“The Stranger and Other Ordinary Tales” with a group of 12 young actors from Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Arjebaistan, Spain and Italy, that was presented in different theatres of the free scene in Berlin.
The above project explored the thematic of xenophobia and contemporary population displacements. As a continuation to their interchange, they chose the play “FOREST UNDER THE SEA” to be produced in Brazil. The project consists in the montage of the theatre text “FOREST UNDER THE SEA” by Christina Kyriazidi in Brasil, Germany and Greece.
Paula Lice
is a Brazilian actress, dancer, dramaturge, director and theatre professor.
She holds a BA in Linguistics and English Literature, a MA in Cultural Theory and Critic and a PhD in Performing Arts from the University of Bahia, Brazil (UFBA). She has been a member of the theatre groups “Dimenti” and “Núcleo Vagapara” and participated in several of their performances.
Moreover, she writes, directs and produces both for theatre and cinema, like the play “Miúda e o Guarda-Chuva” and the documentary “Jéssica Cristopherry, Atriz, Mulher e Transformista”. In 2014, she was awarded with the Brazilian price “Braskem de Teatro” in the category of “Best Dramaturgy”.

Christina Kyriazidi
is a Greek theatre maker based in Berlin.
She has studied Acting (BA) and Playwriting (MA) in Greece and the UK. She has participated in several international projects and performed in Greece, Italy, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, Ireland, Brazil and Argentina. She has created 13 solo performances, toured in Greece, Germany, Italy, France, Brazil and Argentina. In 2010, she founded in Berlin the theatre company “Marinaio Teatro”. She is also the founder of
the “International Theatre Festival: KNOTS exchange meeting of theatre groups” and the artistic director of L A B (Laboratory Actors Berlin), a training, research and creation platform for young actors. As a writer, she has written several plays, poems, and short stories in Greek, English, Spanish and French and she was awarded by the Greek National Union of Writers for her play “AUTUMN MEETING” (2002). Her last play “FOREST UNDER THE SEA” (2013) won the price “Prêmio Funarte de Teatro Myriam Muniz” from the Brazilian Ministry of Culture.
Leonel Henckes
is a Brazilian actor, theatre director and producer. He completed a BA in Theatre Interpretation (UFSM, 2008), a Master (2011) and a PhD (2015) in Theatre Arts at PPGAC / UFBA, with a transit period at the “Freie Universität Berlin” in Berlin, Germany. He worked as professor in the Federal University of Bahia (2009 – 2011), where he taught courses for the BA courses – Qualification in Interpreting and Theatre
Directing in the areas of body preparation, voice, theatre directing and theatrical interpretation. From 2005 – 2008, he worked as an actor and researcher in the theatre group” Ba Infinity “. In 2012, he was contemplated in the Notice of Exchange and Cultural Diffusion of the Brazilian Culture Ministry and held an internship as an assistant artistic director at “Mount Opera Rigoletto” by Giuseppe Verdi, under the artistic direction of Thomas Krupa at the Theater Freiburg in Freiburg, Germany.

Juliana Molla
is a Brazilian actress, performer and dancer, formed at “Teatro Escola Macunaíma” and graduate of theatre direction from the UFBA (Universidade Federal da Bahia). Member of the group “FRUTA” (performance-meditation) in collaboration with the “CãoLetivoDeVagabundança”. She acted in 5 theatre performances, among them "Vozes Roubadas" directed by Paco Abreu and “Outra Sina de Existir” directed by Eduardo de Paula in the CEPECA ECA/USP. She directed and performed he "Eu Vim Dançar" and the “Sr e Sra Smart in Teatro do Absurdo”.
Giro Produções
Directed by Gabriela Rocha, Joana Giron, Juliana Vieira and Flávia Santana, Giro Produções Culturais is a Brazilian production company, that focus on creation, development and financial management of cultural projects. It has produced national awarded plays like “Estamira - Beira do Mundo”, festivals like “VIII, IX & X Festival Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema (BA)”, and feature films like “Depois da Chuva” by Cláudio Marques and Marília Hughes, “Tropykaos” of Daniel Lisboa etc.